Entries by Derek DiPietro

Changes in RPGSuite Version 3.61

Enhancements:  Import & Export Characters Added the ability for users to Export their characters into a file format (DCS & TCG). Added the ability for users to Import character files to their accounts (DCS). Export will be found under the “Load Character” section of the TCG. Import and Export will be located in the “Character […]

Changes in RPGSuite Version 3.6

Bug Fixes:  Fixed an issue with the Bwap character model not switching out when a different race is selected (DCS). Fixed multiple issues with the character model disappearing under certain conditions (DCS). UI Enhancement: When a lot of equipment or weapons are present, the toggle navigation is dynamically replaced with a more traditional scroll bar […]

Changes in RPGSuite Version 3.58

Bug Fixes:  Major Fix: Fixed windows character models not displaying correctly, they would show up with missing textures(ripped clothes, black spots, etc). That issue has been resolved, and the character models are rendering properly (DCS). Fixed an issue with the Hiver not animating properly, its animation now runs as intended (DCS). Added UI indication to […]